(PSIK) Disease vs Education : Online Learning During Covid-19 Outbreak

March 29, 2020, oleh: superadmin
Corona Virus Disease or as known as COVID-19 is a new virus which cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. According to World Health Organizations (WHO) stated that ”The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, tiredness, and dry cough. Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea.” According to worldometers.info/coronavirus/ asserted that this covid-19 had affected 198 countries and territories around the world (last update March 26, 2020, 05:41 GMT). Indonesia, one of the affected countries, has 790 total cases of corona virus and 58 total deaths.
Due to covid-19 outbreak, Indonesian government appeals to citizens to stay at home, work from home, and praying from home. To response the instruction, the stakeholders of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta made all the systems into online learning. A long time ago, school of nursing had implemented e-learning system. Unfortunately, the utilization has not been maximized. During this outbreak, the block lecturer change from face-to-face and online, it all change into online learning. Moreover, the lecturers are expected to be creative to arrange the learning system so that the learning objectives can be achieved. The online learning used els, synchronized video such as zoom, asyncronized video, Microsoft team and whatssapp group.

Online Learning. Source: Sutantri

Sutantri, S.Kep., Ns., M. Sc, one of the lecture, said some challenges and strategies of this online learning. The challenges are 1) the unstable internet connection, 2) the class had to break down into two classes cause it can be only fulfilled with 100 students and 3) the learning shift time is incidental so that the learning process can not optimal. In addition, she mentioned the strategies such as 1) make an agreement with the students regarding to the media that will be used, 2) give the students time to read the material for example one day before the class begin and ask them to make the summary before the class, 3) give the students quiz during the class, and 4) maximized the time to face to face (synchronized video) to have a discussion.
“It becomes effective or not is based on the topic. For example in skill labs activity it can be effective by using face-to-face method. But for explanation method, it can be effective if it is done with a semi big group” add Sutantri. Further, she also gives her opinion to this online learning. “This online learning is a good learning to be the alternative of learning nowadays. But, it needs good preparation to make the learning process becomes optimal”.
The challenges not only faced by the lecturers only but also the students. Students complained about the internet quota is being wasteful, as well as many assignments and many lecturers had not explained the material before the lecture began. “Indeed, using new methods in lectures will certainly have many challenges, but in the future we will certainly be able to continue to improve to improve our system.” said Sutantri (Aisha)